Saturday, February 26, 2011

fun, yet tough job!

feli, here's your weekly post! haha.
I've been going back to school for the past 2 weeks. 7AM EVERYDAY! It has become my daily routine and I'm up so early on a Saturday as well, woke up at 7 and cant sleep anymore. My class is really cute, especially the boys. Small size, wear spectacles, carrying those big bags of theirs, and I always laugh at their conversations. The way they talk and the content of their conversations are really funny! But they can be monsters too. When I mark their work and corrections, I really feel like banging the wall and burn their papers. haha. Their handwriting is OMG, and they always need to do re-corrections and RE-corrections and RE-CORRECTIONS. Because they kept talking and playing in class when I wanted them to focus and do their work. Their mouths just cant stop moving. I guess that's the difficulty in teaching lower primary from upper primary. I have worse experiences relieving P6 classes. So I'll stick to my P4s :)

I met my P1, P4 and P6 teachers there! So cool. My P1 teacher was like telling all the teachers over there that I'm her former student so many yrs ago. And my P4 teacher said that my face didn't change at all from then. I don't know that's a compliment or....... I shall take that as a compliment. haha. He could recognize me when he saw me and went "I've taught you before right? You were in my class." I think I've been naughty in his class that's why he remembers me. It feels great to see them after so many yrs and talking to them about old school days and the students. How nice :)

I saved alot on transport and food while working there. I walk to sch everyday as the sch is just a 10 mins walk from my house. I had canteen food for lunch and breakfast sometimes and they are SO CHEAP. Fish burger + a cup of milo = $1. Mixed veg rice + soup = $1.80. Tauhu goreng, gado gado = $1. I'm always "um chioing" when I buy the canteen food. Cheap food makes me happy!

I guess I've learnt alot about teaching from the Preschoolers and relief teaching. The principal and teachers there helped and taught me alot of things. I attended their teacher's meetings on tuesdays as well where I get to hear many experiences and good teaching methods. Apart from that, every Tuesday is also my free food day! They will actually buy lunch for everybody and we'll eat as we talk. This is how busy teachers are. So people, APPRECIATE your teachers, esp those good ones. For those who are considering teaching in the future, take up teaching internships or relief teaching when you're free. You will get to know more about teaching and experience it yourself and see if it's suitable for you. Teaching is a tough job, but a fulfilling one as well!

A laugh is just like sunshine.
It freshens all the day.
It tips the peak of life with light.
And drives the clouds away.

So laugh more people!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

presentsss and vday!

First valentine's day present from lam jiayen! Thanks girl. LOVE ya :)))

Vday present for all teachers in cz, from the principal. so sweet :) The starfish represents cz's symbol, from "The starfish story".

Vday presents from my 3 girlfriends! Chupa chups from maine (she did not wrap that herself!), badges from feli (she chose all the photos that she looks chio in it), and necklace from quack (the name wee makes it look like a dog necklace). hahaha. I seem to have many comments about their presents. Just joking! Love the presents and the THREE OF THEM. Thank youuu!

These are the cookies that I baked for them. I like the rainbow sprinkles and pastel colour sugar bits! The pink colour spread is the icing which I nearly failed. haha. They said that my cookies were really sweet, of course, who made them!?

Friday, February 11, 2011


Mum and I went to sentosa to see the flower exhibition today! Just 3 bucks and you get to see flowers of different patterns and colours! Colourful flowers just make me happy :))) It was real hot this afternoon. I guess it's because we went to sentosa around 2 in the afternoon. I sweat like hell, but the scenery and pictures were all worth it.
Here we go!

Favourite of the day!

100% flowers!

flowers are sweet. and so are we! HAHAHA.

Besides the flower exhibition at sentosa, I also went to river hongbao with mum and dad :) This year's was really very small scale compared to previous years, fewer things to see also. Quite a big fun fair was held there too. These big scale funfairs are hardly seen in Singapore already. I felt like a kid again to see the rides and stalls!

I sat this in genting :)))

My hair is no longer half coloured! at least not under sunlight. haha. I dyed my whole hair dark brown, but I think I screwed up during the process. My hair has 2 colours still. ARGH. I received a long term relief teaching assignment in chongzheng! will be teaching primary 4 english, yes ENGLISH. I don't know how I'm going to survive the next 3 weeks of teaching english when my language is so screwed. haha! 65 bucks is not easy to earn, definitely!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

bad days.

I really don't know what to do, and I definitely need courage to do it.
I feel miserable and sad, but I can only blame myself for being like this.
I want my old self back.
Little children. Only your smile, innocence and actions can make me smile and laugh genuinely now. Nothing else.
I miss those days. really.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

NYJC :)))

Went back to nyjc today to visit tutors and bai nian! without oranges though. haha. Sushan and I wanted to watch the cny concert, but J1s were already coming out from the hall when we reached. The concert lasted for less than 1/2 hr!? I still remember lampa performed during our cny concert, big drum leh, got seh! haha. CCA bazaar was held today instead of the cny programmes. So many memories flowed back when we saw all the different booths and performances. I saw judo trainings and coach too! Miss the sweat, the mats, fighting, and training with the 3 chio bus :((( Michelle and becky came thereafter and off we go to visit the tutors! Met up with mrs tan and mrs chong, it was great talking to them after so long :)

Had renuion dinner at night, mum didn't cook this time round. We ordered dinner from Soup Restaurant. The dishes weren't very good actually. Maybe it was not up to their normal standard since they have to cook and prepare up to 50 orders at once. But the yusheng was nice! Gonna have nicer food plus steamboat for the next few days as mum's going to cook :)


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

cleaning, wiping, tidying, walking, and more walking!

It's chinese new year again! Many people actually don't like cny, especially adults. But I like! Since I'm still a kid. It is a period when family and friends get together to eat, chat, gamble and make alot of noise, which we do not get to do during usual days as the atmosphere will be different too :)

There are so many things to be done before cny. Spring cleaning, buying steamboat stuffs, goodies and deco stuffs, and many more. I wiped all the cupboards, doors, tables and chairs of the WHOLE HOUSE, mopped the ENTIRE floor, changed the bedsheets even for my brothers. "bro, u better be appreciative whenever u sleep!" I also accompanied mum to many places to buy all the cny stuffs. We went to NTUC at simei, tampines mall and even bedok, 201 market and chinatown. We can go to like 2 to 3 places in a single day, that's so much walking! And I can't get to meet my girlfriends because of these chores. RAWRRR. Although I did alot, my mum did more. She's like so stressed up whenever cny is coming. After a whole day of cleaning and buying of stuffs, she will take a bath, sit on the sofa, and fall asleep when she actually wants to start watching tv. haha. Thanks mum for everything! I'm such a filial daughter to help her. hahaha! Except for my dad, the other 2 guys in my house did nothing, NOTHING!

Went to chinatown with mum and sushan this time round. It has the cny feel still. Squeezing with the people to grab cheap things, sampling all the jelly and muachi along the way until full, hearing all the different versions of cny songs wherever you go, and all the stallholders screaming away to get their customers. This is how cny should be like! :D