Thursday, February 3, 2011

NYJC :)))

Went back to nyjc today to visit tutors and bai nian! without oranges though. haha. Sushan and I wanted to watch the cny concert, but J1s were already coming out from the hall when we reached. The concert lasted for less than 1/2 hr!? I still remember lampa performed during our cny concert, big drum leh, got seh! haha. CCA bazaar was held today instead of the cny programmes. So many memories flowed back when we saw all the different booths and performances. I saw judo trainings and coach too! Miss the sweat, the mats, fighting, and training with the 3 chio bus :((( Michelle and becky came thereafter and off we go to visit the tutors! Met up with mrs tan and mrs chong, it was great talking to them after so long :)

Had renuion dinner at night, mum didn't cook this time round. We ordered dinner from Soup Restaurant. The dishes weren't very good actually. Maybe it was not up to their normal standard since they have to cook and prepare up to 50 orders at once. But the yusheng was nice! Gonna have nicer food plus steamboat for the next few days as mum's going to cook :)


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