Friday, February 11, 2011


Mum and I went to sentosa to see the flower exhibition today! Just 3 bucks and you get to see flowers of different patterns and colours! Colourful flowers just make me happy :))) It was real hot this afternoon. I guess it's because we went to sentosa around 2 in the afternoon. I sweat like hell, but the scenery and pictures were all worth it.
Here we go!

Favourite of the day!

100% flowers!

flowers are sweet. and so are we! HAHAHA.

Besides the flower exhibition at sentosa, I also went to river hongbao with mum and dad :) This year's was really very small scale compared to previous years, fewer things to see also. Quite a big fun fair was held there too. These big scale funfairs are hardly seen in Singapore already. I felt like a kid again to see the rides and stalls!

I sat this in genting :)))

My hair is no longer half coloured! at least not under sunlight. haha. I dyed my whole hair dark brown, but I think I screwed up during the process. My hair has 2 colours still. ARGH. I received a long term relief teaching assignment in chongzheng! will be teaching primary 4 english, yes ENGLISH. I don't know how I'm going to survive the next 3 weeks of teaching english when my language is so screwed. haha! 65 bucks is not easy to earn, definitely!

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