Tuesday, February 1, 2011

cleaning, wiping, tidying, walking, and more walking!

It's chinese new year again! Many people actually don't like cny, especially adults. But I like! Since I'm still a kid. It is a period when family and friends get together to eat, chat, gamble and make alot of noise, which we do not get to do during usual days as the atmosphere will be different too :)

There are so many things to be done before cny. Spring cleaning, buying steamboat stuffs, goodies and deco stuffs, and many more. I wiped all the cupboards, doors, tables and chairs of the WHOLE HOUSE, mopped the ENTIRE floor, changed the bedsheets even for my brothers. "bro, u better be appreciative whenever u sleep!" I also accompanied mum to many places to buy all the cny stuffs. We went to NTUC at simei, tampines mall and even bedok, 201 market and chinatown. We can go to like 2 to 3 places in a single day, that's so much walking! And I can't get to meet my girlfriends because of these chores. RAWRRR. Although I did alot, my mum did more. She's like so stressed up whenever cny is coming. After a whole day of cleaning and buying of stuffs, she will take a bath, sit on the sofa, and fall asleep when she actually wants to start watching tv. haha. Thanks mum for everything! I'm such a filial daughter to help her. hahaha! Except for my dad, the other 2 guys in my house did nothing, NOTHING!

Went to chinatown with mum and sushan this time round. It has the cny feel still. Squeezing with the people to grab cheap things, sampling all the jelly and muachi along the way until full, hearing all the different versions of cny songs wherever you go, and all the stallholders screaming away to get their customers. This is how cny should be like! :D

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