Thursday, June 23, 2011

Xutat's 20th Birthday at Barrage!

Celebrated Xutat's birthday last saturday, kite-flying at Marina Barrage! The birthday boy planned his own day, mass send everybody the date and time, bought kites himself, treated all ice-cream, and got a not-very-good attendance. hahaha. But I guessed he enjoyed his day flying kites still :)
Sat was my first kite-flying experience since I flew kites with dad and bro when I was like 6? Kite-flying is so fun! And I think I'm quite talented in it because my kite flew really high after several attempts. haha. Getting started with the kite is fun and challenging, you should see how sarah get her kite to fly, damn funny. Should have taken down a video of her and her kite, it's like an entertainment show for us. haha. But when your kite's flying high up in the sky, it will start to get bored though. And this is when the guys start to cut other people's kites. Mine got cut and FLEW DOWN TO THE RIVER :(((

I think yh looked damn stressed here. He's frowning at the kite. haha.

Ches or alison was trying to take a photo of sarah but zehui came into the camera at the very right time. haha. nice shot!

Lastly, group photo!

Bro just came back from Australia on Tuesday! And thanks to work, i cant go to the airport and fetch him as he reached s'pore in the morning. Look at the souvenir he bought, damn cute!

I got a 1-week temporary job at Lavender. It was my first admin job and I'm veryyy glad that i'm working that for 1 week only. I guess i cant get my butt to sit on the office chair for hours, I'll go crazy just after a few days. But for $$$, I'LL TYPE! I sit on the chair from 9 to 1pm, lunch, then 2 to 6pm. I'm so gonna get fat. Plus I have no time to run at all this whole week, FAT FAT FAT. But tomorrow is fridayyy, I'm clocking in at 11am and gonna leave at 6pm SHARP. Then... redang island here i come! :D

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