Sunday, June 12, 2011

judo babes fivesome dinner and feli's birthday surprise!

Finally met up with the judo babes after so so long! Missed them so much< 3 We girls haven meet up for about 1 year already as all of them were so busy with school. Grabbed their holidays and finally arranged to meet up :D All of them were working at different parts of S'pore and i was trying to arrange a dining place that's convenient for all of them to come down after work. New york new york at city hall! Guessed that's the fairest place for all since it's the middle of the mrt line. plus I can go down to suntec IT fair for feli's birthday surprise MORE EASILY. heh heh, I've got motive one. haha. Arranging a bigger judo girls' gathering and i'm hoping that many can turn up, miss the others too!

Dinner ended around 9.20pm as i initiated that i need to go first. haha. And i ran from nyny to suntec all the way as i'm going to be late! There were sooo manyyy people walking towards the mrt stn at that time which was the opp way of me and I gotta squeeze in between all of them. And yet we're still early when we arrived outside the fair. Feli was so slow! We waited until arou
nd 10pm and she's finally out when we started singing happy birthday song so loudly to make her feel embarrassed in the public. But i guessed we were more embarrassed than her. haha. The birthday surprise was a SUCCESS! She was really surprised :)))

Feli's birthday present made by the 3 of us. 100% handmade except the box itself. nice and pretty right!

This is the entertaining part of the present. Every year's tradition. haha. We took the most handsome and pretty shot of everyone!

And all of us wrote our birthday messages inside for her. I drew and cut all the message cards k! I even have to google on how to draw the elephant head outline. haha. yes, my art is thatttt bad. maine and sarah said that my drawing = KINDERGARTEN level of drawing :(

FER, HAPPY RIGHT. NICE SURPRISE, PRETTY PRESENT, HAPPY CELEBRATION. reached your standard hor. haha! Happy that you enjoyed your birthday this year! Love ya! :D

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