Saturday, April 30, 2011

sinful, but pretty sweet treat.

Today's the first time I'm having a dessert buffet early in the morning 10.30am. haha! Met gof at orchard ion and proceeded to swensens for dessert buffet! The place was quite empty at that time but we're not the first customers, there were people there for breakfast already. swensens for breakfast sia. Swensens at ion is quite big and grand, I like the colourful decorations for their dessert booths and the way they arrange their 40-variety toppings, brown chocolate and white chocolate fondue and more. When I saw all the stuffs, I felt happy already!

The 50 over different flavours of ice-cream right in front of me.
But I feel that their ice-cream worth only 7/10 points. There's no particular flavour that I think is really awesome. I don't have the wow feeling when I taste them, quite a disappointment. ben & jerry's and baskin robins ice-cream are still the best!

White chocolate and brown chocolate fondue! The white chocolate fondue looks really nice here, but the brown chocolate fondue definitely tastes better. strawberries + chocolate = HEAVEN.
When we dipped the food with chocolate and bite it with our teeth, all the chocolate got stained on our teeth, lips and areas around the mouth, we were so unglam and funny with all the chocolate stains. Especially sushan with her braces somemore, haha. Girls, BAD idea to have chocolate fondue for dates!

Mini chocolate chunks, marshmallows, cornflakes, rainbow sprinkles and all kinds of nuts as toppings for our ice-cream! BUT, all the crispy stuffs went soft after being left there for such a long time. points deducted again!

Besides ice-cream and fondue, there were also waffles, pancakes, cakes and tarts. Their waffles and pancakes were nice, when topped up with maple syrup, chocolate sauce and nuts. Their cakes and tarts were another disappointment :( So overall, only 6.5/10 points. I guess this dessert buffet is not very worthy of it's price of around 20 bucks. And after the buffet, I felt hungry still and was craving for food like rice and noodles, hahaha.

NP sent me an email last week saying that there's no more vacancy for my course. Well, at least I tried and did all I can. There goes my heavily subsidized boston internship, haha. I've applied SEED institute, my very very last choice already. So my school is pushed to july if I get accepted, which means HELLO WORKING LIFE again. Back to CZ for relief teaching in the morning. But I don't have a class of my own now :( Although work is alot lighter without a class, but sometimes I feel unattached to the students and school. The happy thing is that my class said that they missed me! I'll be in their class and help felicia in the teaching and after-sch classes as I can see that she's very stressed up since their SA1 is nearing. Sometimes I feel that teachers are more stressful than the kids taking exams. My relief teaching is going to end in may as the june holidays come. Meaning that I'm going to be jobless in june, 1 more month to starting of school only. I've actually thought of doing some volunteering work with kids for the month of june, at least to do something meaningful instead of working all the time. Anyone has any lobang for volunteer work can tell me, greatly appreciated!

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