Saturday, April 9, 2011

My mini farewell celebrations :D

Last friday marked the end of my teaching journey in CZ. The P4 teachers actually planned a mini farewell for me on tuesday during teachers' meeting. It was so sweeeet of them :))) They chipped in money to buy me a jacket and mini cakes for all the teachers and we had a prize presentation ceremony in the meeting room, haha. They even asked me to give a short speech. Although they won't like read my blog, but still, A BIG THANK YOU!

Mini chocolate mousse cakes from emicakes! Only get to take 2 of them leftovers.

The 129 bucks jacket from Bershka! The teacher bought an S size for me as she thought that I was very skinny, turn out that it was too small. hahaha. I went to change for a M size when I get to know how much was the jacket. I really zuan dao :D

My students didn't know about my last day until the new relief teacher told the class. She "ganged up" with the class and wanted to give me a surprise. They used coloured papers to make farewell cards for me during lessons. Not knowing, I went up to class and the whole class screamed when they saw me. They went, "AHHHH! MS LEONG! KEEP! KEEP! KEEP THE CARDS!" It's was so obvious la, but I pretended that I saw and heard nothing and left the classroom. HAHAHA. I took them for the last 3 periods and all of them started running towards me with their cards and gave me a hug. AWWW, SO SWEET.

Some of my students even bought me little gifts!

The new relief teacher who is going to take over me is called felicia. She's nice and good in teaching too. I guess 4D will be good with her :) She also bought me a farewell gift, how sweet.

I also bought gifts and made cards for the p4 teachers and my students! But I think it's not very well done. But it's the thoughts that counts right. haha!

These little things really liftened up my mood for the week. Because bad news, my application to np was unsuccessful. I'm not going to give up! going to appeal :)


  1. Haha so sweeeeet. One of the wishes of a teacher (:

  2. yeah,you will have your chance next time! don't worry. haha!
