Sunday, March 13, 2011

CZ's sports day!

Friday's was CZ's sports day! Unfortunately, it rained the whole night on thurs and the field was too wet. So we had class activities instead followed by some events in the hall. But I get to take photos of them in the classroom because of wet weather :)

My class has many handsome boys and pretty girls right. But don't be deceived by their faces, they can be really noisy and chaotic in class. This was told by their co-form teacher. haha. We talked about different athletic heroes like Mohammad Ali the wrestler and many others. The guys in class actually do know them and can name me many more. Impressive. If they have the same amount of interest in their studies as well that'll be good. haha. We were supposed to build structures using straws only. There's a competition between the classes to see which class can build the tallest structure using straws only. My class did a very good job, thanks to their co-form teacher and ME. Hope the class will win a prize!

4Diligence, Ms Diana, me and their tall structure made of straws :)
After the class activities, they proceed to the hall for the sports events. My students can really run, play hockey and rugby. They won quite a few medals!

Following Saturday was parents' meeting. I'm glad that I attended the parents' meeting NOT because I'm being paid that day, but also that I get to know my students' background more. It's good that teachers know their students well so that they know how to help them, especially that I'm going to teach them EMS after the march holidays. I'm quite scared and stressed out actually. haha. My class is a low ability class, many of them are weak in their studies and has learning disabilities. Some are hyperactive, some diagnosed with dyslexic where they cannot differentiate between certain words and letters like 'b' and 'd' and they write sentences without spacing, some has adhd where they cannot understand simple questions and are very slow in understanding. There seemed to be many problems in my class. haha. I actually came across to know that many of my students come from single-parent family. And it's because of the family problems at home that caused some of their behaviors in school. From this, I guess that family definitely has a great impact on children life. Children are greatly affected by family matters and it leaves a scar psychologically in them. Some became very quiet, some rebellious and some start to score badly for exams. I come across real-life incidents in my class.

But I know that the world is fair. Although my pupils are slower in their studies and has learning disabilities, they are very nice, caring, helpful, handsome and pretty children. Some of them are also willing to learn and try their best in doing their homework and exams. As for some, I think they need more motivation and encouragement in their studies. I believe they can :)

Life's unpredictable at times.
Do treasure.

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