Sunday, March 6, 2011

cycling and sunburnt! but slow and steady :)

Went cycling with sushan and jiayen on saturday morning. GOF was supposed to go botanic gardens, but many could not make it. There goes my 5 dollars tree, haha. It's okay, we have decided to postpone it to next next sat! The sun was scorching hot and I only realised I got sunburnt when I got home. But I like to be tanned :) We were supposed to meet 9am at parkway parade. But you know us, I reached at 9.30 and sushan 9.45 gotten lost. haha. Poor jiayen gotta wait for us. But we waited for her for like an hour plus before!? This is why we are always even with one another for being late. Luckily, we knew the way to east coast park from PP even without the guys to lead the way. We walked damn slowly to the bicycle rental shop, cycled real slowly for 2 hours around the park, stopping at the bedok jetty which we always do,camwhoring, stopping at the sand castle area, and then back to the shop. We were being LOSERS that day. hahaha. Didn't feel that we've exercised. But at least we sweat alot due to the sun. I got tanned, uneven tan. Thanks to my watch, my skin's 2 colour tone at the wrist.

I guess I've been under the sun for too long, and also not enough sleep, have been feeling giddy and nauseous this weekend. Feeling better now, hope to survive next week of teaching, and then...m
arch holidays! Which means I also get my holidays=no pay for a week :( $65x5, that's 325 bucks! I don't want holidays. I'm that money face. haha.

CZ's having sports day this coming friday, which means I don't have lessons for a day but 65 bucks still goes into my pocket if I help out. Haven't attended a sports day for so long since I graduated. JC's sports day also don't feel like one to me as I was not very involved. haha. I'm gonna cheer for my class! Following sat will be parents' meeting. Guess gotta be quite busy next week. I think I'm very young to attend parents' meeting at this age. All the talking and explaining and description about each and every child in my class. I'm gonna talk crap and smoke my way through. haha. Luckily I only have 28 pupils and not like 38 or 40.

A levels results are out! And my juniors did really well :) Judo has about 8-9 who went up stage to get their results as they have 3 distinctions and above. My OG has about 8 who went up s
tage too. Proud of them :D Which means I can start applying also already. Good luck to my application!

I think realising one's dreams is a beautiful thing.
Be it small dreams or big ones :)))

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