Friday, April 1, 2011

hectic weeks finally over!

My teaching journey with my form class is finally over. Today was the last day with my class and yet I did not get to teach them for the last 2 days. Got such a bad sore throat that ended up with no voice to talk at all. What a present for them for the last day. haha. A new relief teacher's going to take over me from next monday onwards. I think I may have been working too much, that I felt so much relieved after handing over my class. Like I don't have to carry such a heavy burden anymore, guess I'm tired from working. haha. I WANT TO STUDY. I can't wait for school to start. I must be crazy. haha. My posting results are going to be out on 4th april :)

I've just realised that I've been working since the A levels are over. The preschoolers, the coffee nations, Esprit and relief teaching at CZ. Woah, I've been switching so many jobs these 2 years. And I'm satisfied with the numbers in my bank account :D Finally next friday will be my last day of work!

Celebrated zhang xiang's birthday last sat. We were supposed to celebrate clement's birthday also but he was too tired after his trainings. Went to just acia at marina for dinner. I still strongly recommend that place! I think the price is really worthy for main course plus free flow of drinks and ice cream plus the food is nice. I've went there several times and I'll still go back. After dinner was post activities planned by me, Earth Hour which bored so many of them. HAHAHA. I kena scam too okay. There were no concerts or carnivals going on when we reached and we just sat there with our light sticks for that one hour. Maybe we went too late, not entirely my fault! Some of us actually saw the lights going out from the buildings at 8.30pm and I think that's quite cool. The scenery at marina bay sands was damn nice and colourful too! I don't think we regret walking along marina bay sands that night. At least we did not stand around and stare at one another thinking what to do after dinner like we always do, I think I'm quite successful. HAHA.

sushan, I kopped your photos. haha :)

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