Sunday, July 31, 2011

I miss these people!

I MISS YOU PEOPLE SO MUCHHH. Haven't met up with gof for nearing months already! Partly my fault also that i'm always busy. Sorry guys! Need to meet up really soon after ndp probably when the army guys are finally free :))) Sentosa & kite-flying at barrage!

AND my judo babes too. Awww, miss the trainings with them :(((

Sunday, July 10, 2011

very first marathon!

I'm a 15km-finisher! And i'm damn proud of it. haha. yong hong and his friends signed up for the charity run but all of them were not able to make it and so we have 5 replacements: kah hwee, aaron, chester, sarah and I. We have to reach ECP at around 7am as we were the first to run at 7.15. thanks to kah hwee who drove everyone to ecp so that we need not wake up so early to take bus. Thanks kh! There were many people crowding at the starting line and since we're not competitive, all of us started slowly far behind. kah hwee was the most zai out of all and so he chionged in front. I was running with quack and we talked as we run. Initially I was still able to talk properly and laugh with her. Until around 9km onwards, I cant even speak a sentence with just 1 breath. Slowly, quack hear no reply from me. hahaha. I think thanks to quack that i'm able to complete the run better than i thought, she ran with me and pushed me along the way. thanks quack! Sorry yh that u cant get a better timing because of me. haha. Initially we wouldn't have the medal for ourselves, but they thought of an idea to queue up again to get 1 more medal each. So we return yh 1 medal while we keep 1 for ourselves. I think there's not enough medals for those who come in really really late. haha. After the run, everyone's legs felt like jelly and couldn't really walk properly. We were somehow dragging ourselves to walk. But I think it's a nice experience and great achievement for all of us!

School has started for just 1 week and all the test dates and assignment deadlines are due on like end of july!? No wonder the course period is 20 months only. I think i'm quite stressed up already. Loser me. hahaha. I have a class of adults from really different backgrounds, there are mothers who aged 20 to 40, teens as young as 16 to 18, and my age group of 20+ yrs old. You can imagine how different all of us is. But i guess many of them are nice and friendly to be with and i've made some really nice friends :) School hours are longgg everyday. Each lecture is 3 hours and I have 2 lectures each day O.O But there are of course breaks in between. Seed is so kind! They have big containers of biscuits, 3-in-1 milo, tea and coffee outside the classrooms for their students during the breaks. I think i wouldn't get sick of the biscuits and milo there though i'm going to eat that for like 20 months, since i'm always hungry during breaks. haha!

it's never too late to discover, and re-discover yourself during your lifetime :)

Sunday, July 3, 2011